Local resident and talented musician Juliet Russell released her first single "Lazy" with an animated video. Beautiful voice and undoubtedly someone to watch out for. Damon Albarn and Brian Eno seem to agree...
Local musical gem, Juliet Russell has performed and recorded with some of the UK's finest including Damon Albarn, Brian Eno, Imogen Heap and Paloma Faith. March 28th 2011 saw the release of her first solo video and single "Lazy" - a fantasy antidote to a busy life that is as laid back and appealing as a summer Sunday.
The video is a thoroughly modern collaboration with Israeli film maker Ayala Sharot. The two artists developed the idea over the internet, never having met, and only did so once filming began, one afternoon in a warehouse in Dalston. The video has been warmly received at film and animation festivals throughout Europe, and had its UK première on Sunday 27th March at the Roxy Bar and Screen in Borough (3-6pm). The single and soundtrack was co-produced High Frequency Bandwidth's Dominic Beken.
You can catch her performing live on Jnet Radio this Sunday 3rd of April between 12 and 3pm. Juliet will also be discussing her favourite books, films and musical influences. Tune into
www.jnetradio.com and click on the Listen Live icon.
You can also
watch this and other videos on SBS-TV
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