Last Night I Dreamt...
- Category: That Really Grinds my Gears!
- Written by Ashley Casselle
- Hits: 16302
"I could see the body of Kim Kardashian..."
This morning I woke up in a sweat, having just had the maddest dream. I dreamt that I could see the body of Kim Kardashian with the head of a beast, I dreamt that Paris Hilton was now djing and receiving an award for best female dj, I dreamt that The Swedish House Mafia were trying to pay huge sums of money to certain dance music magazines in a futile attempt to be perceived as 'Deep' House or cool, I dreamt that I could see people's pets evolving faster than their owners, I dreamt that self obsessed selfies were taking over the internet, I dreamt that the quality of a true artist was diminished by the number of fake followers bought for a dollar, I dreamt that the UK is being divided and sold by shady politicians with hidden (and not so hidden) agendas, I dreamt that idiotic EDM djs were throwing their mum's cupcakes around a huge stadium filled with their horrendous noise, and I dreamt that we all need to stand up and weed out the stupid shit. And then I woke up, and it wasn't a dream. I was sitting in front of my Facebook newsfeed, hypnotised by the reality of our times. It really is time for a revolution then.